Thursday, October 28, 2010

Almost "Home"

With a little over a year here and Japan and my two year mark in the navy soon approaching, home seems like a distant memory. The memories I have seem like they were from a time period of my life that is long gone. I understand that this is true but it leaves a very interesting thought to my head as to what things will be like when I visit home. I return to Bremerton in less then two months if my leave gets approved. Before I joined I spent less than a year living there after I graduated from Olympic, so I hardly know what it is like to live there and not be a high school student. It will be a really different feeling being there this time. Time can only tell whether or not it will still feel like home.

I was watching Garden State just now, and the scene where Andrew and Samantha are in the pool and he is talking about the day when the house you grew up in no longer feels like home to you had me thinking. I definitely can understand where he's coming from. That feeling has been foreign to me for over a year and a half. Basically ever since I got here. Hopefully, Bremerton still feels like home to me and it doesn't feel like some place that is changed. The memories that I have take place in a city that still geographically exists, but the feelings that make up the idea of my Bremerton hopefully still remain. I guess we'll see.

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