Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don't call it a comeback!!

Remember when I was excited about this new decade beginning and all kinds of exciting life happening? Well, the first three months of it ABSOLUTELY SUCKED! I hated it. Since January 16th I have been doing what is called "cranking". There are a few kinds of cranking that people can do. There's mess cranking, which is working down in the scullery washing dishes. There's the CPO galley, where you serve the chiefs. Then there's what I did. Billeting. I find it funny that people put these fancy names on these jobs to make them sound professional. Basically, for the last 3 months I've been cleaning bathrooms, cleaning officer's rooms, making their beds, sweeping the same passageways like 3 to 4 times a day, scrubbing walls... For lack of better words, I've been the officer's cleaning bitch.

I hated it. Everyday I would wake up, get pissed as I remembered that I worked in billeting still, get dressed and go to muster where I had to listen to 5 people tell me the same exact information as the person before them. It usually went like this.

CS1 Jones: Okay guys, line up! your boots aren't shiny enough. Hey remember we got flight
quarters at 1100 and GQ at 1300. And don't forget to clean in the corners and get
(Then CS1 Vista comes down)
CS1 Vista: Okay guys, remember, umm... we got flight quarters today at 1100. Who does dat?
Are you in that? Hey you need a haircut. Okay and we've got GQ at 1300! Okay,
remember, we need to clean the corners really well!

(Then the Chief walks down
CSC Belmonte: Hey fellas, ready for another day? huh? Remember we got flight quarters today.
1100!! Don't forget! who is in that? oh yeah. OH and also GQ at 1300, so before
they call that make sure we clean deep. Especially in the corners!!
(Then the DIVO WALKS DOWN!!)
Ensign Arnold: Hey guys, I just wanna say, you're doing a good job cleaning in all the corners and
stuff. Today we got GQ and Flight quarters so make sure you know what time
you've got those at. Who is in that again? Okay yeah.

It's nuts man! I'm just like, can't you guys all walk down at one time to give us the plan of the day. Enough ranting though. I'm starting to lose it towards the end here. I've got five more days then I'll be done working with the cooks and I'll be back with the IT's.

So the idea i'm trying to give with all that is that work wise, the last three months have been the worst job i've ever had. I did it though, it's over, and now it's the next guys turn.

Outside of work though I have been doing some really cool stuff.
I went to Edo Wonderland, where I got to dress up like a Samurai and walk around this theme park all day. Here are some pics.

I stayed in a traditional Japanese hotel, where they dressed me up and fed me traditional (A.K.A. gross) Japanese food. We of course had to beer it up.

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Then we headed off to Edo Wonderland. they have a really cool website too to check out if you're bored. I dressed up like a good noble Samurai, and Stinger dressed up like an evil ninja. booo! they were hating on him the whole time there. It was funny.

dangit! okay bad news, the ship's internet is messing up right now but the pics are great. If you wanna see my pics just go to this link:

Justin's Pics

but yeah, sorry about that. Nothing I can or really want to do about it right now. haha. I hope all is good with everybody back home. Sure can't wait to see you all.


1 comment:

  1. Dude, I really love reading this stuff. Please keep it coming man! I am sorry you have been an officers bitch. That sounds like crap. Lets be at the same base some day. They have flight training down at Pensacola. Maybe then? lol I MISS YOU BROTHER! COME HOME!
